DiHECO workshop - kick-off meeting

03 - 04 February 2021

The overall objective of the DiHECO workshop (Day 1) was to discuss the development of digital healthcare platforms with the special focus on the home-centered digital healthcare solutions.

Due to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, the DiHECO workshop took place virtually via MS Teams platform.

 Participation was by invitation only.


Wednesday, February 3rd, 2021
CET+1 [Lithuanian time zone]

16:00 – 16:15

Welcome Leonas Balasevicius, KTU Vice-Rector for Research and Innovations, Lithuania;

Kęstutis Duoba, Acting dean of KTU School of Economics and Business, Lithuania;
Oana Radu, EC REA, Belgium.

16:15 Joint photo
16:20 – 16:30

Presentation of the DiHecoAsta Pundziene, Professor in Strategic Management and DiHeco leader, KTU, Lithuania
16:30 – 17:15
Panel discussion.

Digital Healthcare Platforms. Mission, Impact and the bumpy way forward.

Karin C Cooke, Director, Kaiser Permanente International, US;

Frank Konopka, Siemens Healthineers Principal Key Expert for Digital Business Model Generation, Germany;

Kestutis Stasaitis, Director for Medicine and Nursing, Hospital of Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, Lithuania;

Tomas Lapinskas, Director for Public Health, Hospital of Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, Lithuania;

Arunas Lukosevicius, Professor in Biomedical Engineering, KTU, Lithuania;

Hannu Nieminen, Partner, Movendos platform, Finland;

Wim Vanhaverbeke, Professor in Digital Strategy and Entrepreneurship, University of Surrey, United Kingdom;

Moderator: Asta Pundziene.
17:15 – 17:30E-coffee break
17:30 – 18:20Home-centered Digital Healthcare Solutions

Open healthcare data. How it is possible

Karin C Cooke, Director, Kaiser Permanente International, US

Markus Kalliola, Project Director, Sitra, Finland

18:20 – 18:30
DiHeco Concept paper development workshopAsta Pundziene
18:30 – 19:00Home-centered digital healthcare platform case presentations:


Hannu Nieminen, Tampere University, Finland;

Christopher Mathieu, Associated Professor of Sociology at the Department of Sociology, Lund University, Sweden;
Diego Prior, Professor in the Business Department, Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, Spain;
Tomas Lapinskas, LSMU Hospital, Laura Vilutiene, Researcher and DiHeco coordinator, KTU, Lithuania;
Irène Georgescu, Director of the University of Montpellier, University of Montpellier, France.

19:00 – 19:15E-coffee break
19:15 – 19:55 The way forward

Moderated group work:

Group 1 - Value to the patient

Group 2 - Value to the medical staff

Group 3 - Value to the healthcare provider

Group 4 - Value to the enterprise

Group 5 - Value to the state

Asta Pundziene

Christopher Mathieu

Mark van Gils, Professor of Digital Healthcare, Tampere University, Finland

Matilda Bez

Diego Prior
19:55 – 20:00Closing remarksAsta Pundziene

If you have any questions please contact Neringa Gerulaitiene (neringa.gerulaitiene@ktu.lt; +37067226560).


Thursday, February 4th, 2021
CET+1 [Lithuanian time zone]

The aim of the Day 2 was to review DiHeco project management and administration requirements and routines. 

10:00 – 10:10Review of the workshop - kick-off day 1Asta Pundziene, all partners
10:10Joint photo
10:15 – 10:25Policy aspects of Widening program
Eugenija Puciute, EC RTD representative, Belgium
10:25 – 10:55Administrative aspects of project management

Oana Radu, EC REA, Belgium

Maria Cristina Di Fronso, EC REA, Belgium
10:55 – 11:25Project budget:

- payments
- eligible costs
- ineligible costs
- amenmdments

Maria Cristina Di Fronso, EC REA, Belgium,

Laura Vilutiene, all partners

11:25 – 11:35E-coffee break
11:35 – 12:05 Reporting: When? What? How?:

- continuous reporting module;
- periodic reporting module;
- keeping of records.

Laura Vilutiene, all partners
12:05 – 12:40 Lunch
12:40 – 13:10Review of deliverables and action planNeringa Gerulaitiene, all partners
13:10 – 14:10D3.1 Research and innovation management and administration audit report (May 2021)Christopher Mathieu, Susanne Boethius, all partners
14:10 – 14:30  D7.1 Data management plan (April 2021)Laura Vilutiene, Mark van Gils, Hannu Nieminen, Alpo Varri, all partners
14:30 – 14:50D1.1 Research performance assessment report (May 2021) Diego Prior-Jiménez, all partners
14:50 – 15:00 Closing of kick-off Asta Pundziene, all partners

If you have any questions please contact Neringa Gerulaitiene (neringa.gerulaitiene@ktu.lt; +37067226560).